Mental Omega Wiki
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The Nuclear Reactor is an advanced Soviet power structure in version 2.x and 1.2, capable of providing a huge amount of power. It will explode upon destruction due to its instability, however, posing a risk to anything around them.

Official description[]


Soviets are still experimenting with the nuclear technology, they are especially trying to make their Nuclear Reactors less dangerous and more effective. Nuclear Reactor is most powerful power generator ever invented, additionally it isn't too expensive. The only weakness it has, is how it can be dangerous. When destroyed, it explodes, vanishing everything nearby and leaving radiation that is deadly for humans, only robots can resist it. Epsilon had one on Alcatraz Island, but it lost it as it didn't protect it as it should have been. And who said Soviets have weakest power sources?[1]


Soviets are still working with their nuclear technology, especcialy trying to make their heavy Nuclear Reactors less dangerous and more effective. Nuclear Reactor is most powerful power generator in the battle, additionally it isn't so expensive. The only minus it has, is how it can be dangerous. When destroyed, it explodes, destroying everything nearby and leaving radiation that is deadly for any infantry or vehicles, only robots can resist it. We had one on Alcatraz Island, but we lost it as we didn't protect it as we should... I hope you won't repeat that mistake comrade.[2]

See also[]

